
Sunday, December 2, 2012

The end of the world!

Altun Ha Mayan Ruins, outside Belize City

If you have been keeping track of the Mayan Calendar, the end of the world is  upon us, in a little more than two weeks at the time of this writing.  I've been to the Maya Ruins known as Altun Ha, just outside Belize City on a couple of occasions.  I am always impressed by the way the Mayans built their temples.  These people, like the Egyptians, had some kind of extra inside tip on mathematics or something.  Their beliefs were 'interesting', but their buildings are amazing.  At any rate, according to the Mayan calendar we are at the end of the world, are you ready?
As a Christian, I believe what the Bible says, which is that we should 'Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.' Matthew 24:42.  I don't know about you, but I am a literal believer in the God of the Book and what His Book says.  Yes, the Maya were an intelligent people, they built great temples, and the items found in their burial temples are said to be amazing; but whatever is supposed to happen in two weeks I am not convinced it is the end of the world.  I sometimes wonder though, if there may be a change of some kind that will happen.  It's nothing I read or a conversation I in which I took part, it's just a recurring thought that these people were intelligent.  From where did they obtain their information?
At any rate, whatever they knew and from wherever they obtained their information, I will opt for being ready for when Jesus comes back.  What does being ready for when Jesus comes back really mean?  It means spending your days talking to Jesus, your nights praying for your enemies as well as your friends, spending time in His word, and thanking Him for forgiving you of your sins and loving you despite those sins.  In a nutshell, stay in relationship with Jesus, share Him with others, live the best life you can; and everything else will fall into place, even when it's the end of the world.   

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