
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Top 10 life lessons that have gotten me this far…so far...

Top 10 life lessons that have gotten me this far…so far.

I like ‘top 10’ articles.  They make me want to read the article. I mean, at least start to read the article. But at least I want to start. So at any rate, here are the top 10 things I have learned in life to date. I will put them in number order from one to ten, but they are certainly not in a particular order:

1) When shopping for gifts, buy something you would buy yourself.  That is especially cool if you are a really cool person who likes cool stuff.  If you are not an especially sharp dresser or cool person, you better just ask the gift recipient what they want.

2) Pray.  And when you pray, do so expecting a deeper relationship with Christ.  Pray for others, pray for yourself.

3)  Try your best to right a wrong.  My Parents told me that back in their day when someone got saved, became a Christian, they would go through the community telling people; and apologizing to those they hurt. What a novel idea huh?  Not everyone will allow you to right a wrong with them, but at least you tried.

4)  Know you faults.  Contrary to popular belief, we all have them.  We will never be perfect, but we should strive to be better every day. 

5)  Choose your friends wisely.  No one is perfect, so there is no perfect friend, but you know what you will and will not accept.  You should know when people are trying to handle you and when they have their best interests at heart not yours.  Take your time getting to know people. They will eventually show their true colors.  After all, our nature is our nature.

6)  Be kind.  There is no need to look down your nose at people.  Everyone on this planet is on a journey. Everyone has or will go through at least one very difficult period in their life.  When you run into the eye rollers and haters, smile and keep it moving.  I read a meme recently that said ‘don’t try to win over the haters, you are not the jerk whisperer’. Just be kind.

7)  Love your family and friends with all your heart.  Tell them you love them and show them you love them.  Learn their love language and use it.       

8)  Choose your battles.  Not every argument is worth winning.  In fact, not every argument is worth the argument. 

9)  Don’t hate people. Calling people names and miss-treating others based on their race, creed or color is just wrong.  No matter what you call a person, no matter what you were taught about whole groups of people, at the end of the day, we are all human beings.

10) Travel.  I am convinced that when you travel, you are less likely to hate and more likely to understand.

This is by no means a final list, in fact I may post a few more top ten lists throughout the year.  In fact, let me post one more, a little transparency:
11)  Life is short so I tend to think way down the road, over the hill, and around the corner.  In other words, I am a die-hard planner and that drives me crazy about me sometimes, never mind the people in my life.  I wish I had done that when I was much younger though, but I am doing it now.  So it drives me nuts, but I think it’s good, all at the same time. Go figure.  


Friday, February 20, 2015

Evil eye, side eye

You know the look.  People you don’t know, at least you do not think you know them.  People who look at you like you did something really bad to them, and they are going to get you back somehow.  But you do not know them!  You just know you have never met them before!  You sit for a moment, going backwards in your memory bank, trying to place the name, the face, the name and the face.  But you just cannot place the person.  You cannot place the person because you do not know the person!

Stop hurting your brain muscle trying to place that person.  You really do not know them, and they do not know you.  You may remind them of someone.  You may be wearing a dress or pair of shoes they like.  It is after all, usually the petty little things that wake up the green eyed monster.  But what this person or these people do not know, and what you do not need to tell them, is what you had to go through.

You see, people do not understand, and in many cases will never understand, what you had to go through to get where you are or where you are going.  They do not know that some days you forget to eat because you become so involved in the plan. They do not know that most days you do not lay your head on your pillow until 2 a.m.  They do not know the relationships that have fallen away, relationships you thought would last forever.  Relationships that fell away because you did not or could not nurture them; or because God said ‘no more’, to those relationships.
They see the end results, and they make little guttural noises as they walk by you.  They make little comments that they somehow hope you missed and understood at the same time.  They gossip about you to people who will either think for themselves, or not.  And they keep tabs on you without encouraging you.

But know this: when you set out to follow the plan, whether it is a dream you have always had, or something God told you to do; just do it.  Do it knowing that not everyone who started on your journey will finish with you.  Not everyone who smiles with you wishes you well.  Not everyone will be able to keep up, because it is not their journey, it is yours.  They will need to find their own path. Because they are no longer on the journey with you does not mean that their journey is not just as important, it means it is their journey. 

Portions of your journey will be lonely even if you are surrounded by people, because you are the one who heard the word.  What you heard clearly may sound like foolishness to others.  Know that the handful of people who remain, who encourage you even if they do not fully understand, are gems. Be thankful for them.

Do not worry about the evil eye from strangers or people you know.  Concentrate on your journey, because life is short.  Stopping to make everyone comfortable with you, with your journey, will not be possible; and in many cases not worth it.  Do not allow yourself to become bogged down in nonsense and noise.  Smile, do your best wherever and whenever you are, stick to your schedule; and don’t forget to eat!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Coming Out

What is the first thing you think about when you hear that phrase, that sentence, ‘coming out’?  Here in America, when someone makes the decision to come out, they are telling their family, friends, and the world; that they have made the decision to live their lifestyle out loud.  They are no longer willing to hide and pretend.  They have decided to live their life in its truest form.

Why profess to be a Christian, a believer, and then hide your beliefs when you are not at church?  Your friends and co-workers do not even know you are a Believer.  You bless your meal at home, but not when you are at a restaurant.  You blend in.  You believe it’s best to go along to get along, especially in the age and time in which we live where every religion except Christianity is accepted. 
I am not saying you need to have your Bible open on your desk at work, not getting your work done, because you want to be ‘in The Word’.  That’s what breaks and lunches are for.  When you are at work, work comes first.  God is not the author of confusion, his word also says if you do not work you do not eat.  ‘For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”--2 Thessalonians 3:10.  NIV—New International Version.  This tells me, we had better find and do our job, our work.    

It is not necessary to walk around your job, or around town shouting down the roof top that you are a Believer.  Your boss might not appreciate that too much, he may just want you to do your work.  But do you laugh at those jokes you know you should not laugh at, just to fit in?  Are you living the life God wants you to live?  Are you daily growing in your relationship with Christ? Are you living one way in church and another way ‘on your own time’? Do your co-workers know for a fact that they should not tell certain jokes around you or invite you to certain places after work, on a Friday night?  And even if they do, just to try to press your buttons, what is your reaction? 

What exactly do you stand for?  Do you know?  We are living in a time where everyone is living exactly the type of life they want to.  No one is hiding anymore, people are coming out.  Are you coming out or staying in?