
Sunday, January 24, 2016

I'm leaving! Seriously, I'm moving!

But here is my forwarding address:

I have made the decision to move all of my previous and future blogs to my website. Because I write on several different subjects, I will categorize each blog post to make it easy for you to read what you want to read.  

Thank you so much for your continued support as I continue to grow and evolve.  I look forward to more interaction, more commentary, and more suggestions.  

********So, today, Sunday January 24th, 2016, is my final blog post on this platform*********


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Inside the profile

Four years ago today, December 15th, 2011, I was inside the profile; but I was not alone. I was in the OR—operating room, undergoing an approximately four to six hour surgery. I was having that final surgery.  A lot of prayers were being sent up for me, in fact my surgeon prayed with my parents and me.  The surgery went well although there were complications during recovery. But I survived those too.

 The last couple of years, my ‘anniversary’ came and went without barely a thought, but somehow this year, today; it is really on my mind. I have decided not to ignore the process and just allow myself to think about it. I am happy to be alive and well; emotionally, mentally, and spiritually now.  And I was fine after the surgery, but then I began to become very sad.  I started to realize I would really never carry a child now that I had that final surgery.  Before the surgery, although I was having a lot of physical problems, I told myself I still had a chance. But the surgery was a finalization.  And that finalization hit me in a delayed reaction kind of way.

I had to eventually visit a psychologist after constantly crying for days and not knowing how to stop it.  He eventually told me that I was grieving a loss, and that was when the light bulb went on for me! I was not allowing myself to grieve because I didn’t know I was grieving. I did not know I could grieve something I never had.  And on top of all of that, I had stopped praying.
Bottom line, I have been on a journey.  And I know millions of women around the world have been on the same or similar journey.

Inside the profile with me, whether I felt it or not at the time, was Jesus. Yes, what I went through was almost unbearable, but I survived.  God was with me, and He knows my end to my beginning and my beginning to my end.  Check out my logo! You will see someone in the profile!  He is always in the profile. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ethnocentrism, What is that???

Yes, you heard correctly, ethnocentrism.  That word has been rolling around in my head a lot lately, because of the current crisis and issue our country has been having with what to do with the Syrian refugees.

You see, According to Ben Winsor of the Business Insider,  Outside of Syria’s neighboring countries, Germany leads the way in accepting refugees.  The United States and Canada are at the bottom of the list in number of refugees accepted into our countries.  Although I understand the inherent fear that non-European countries have of taking in refugees due to historical and present threats to the West.  The fact is however, America has very high-tech ways of vetting people who want to enter our country. I wish I could say that it is simple lack of technology and resources that is keeping us from accepting refugees.  But I believe it is fear, not lack of technology that is keeping us back. 

And this is where ethnocentrism comes in. I first realized there was an official name for the belief that one’s race is better than others, just a few years ago. According to, the definition of ethnocentrism is ‘...the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. 2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.’  To be fair, I believe every race and culture, including the Syrians, probably feels the same way; to varying degrees.  It is normal to feel pride in your heritage. This is why in America we have Black History month, Hispanic Heritage month, and St. Patrick’s Day, to name a few. People like to represent their heritage by hanging miniature flags in their vehicle’s rear view mirror. We like to visit ‘the old country’ every once in a while, and we like to cook and eat the foods of that old country. 

But on the other end of the spectrum, because every issue has a spectrum; are the people who will kill to keep their status quo.  They believe in the separation of races.  They do not believe there should be ‘race-mixing’ of any kind. These people distribute propaganda during their secret meetings, online on their websites, and via public protest.  The key question though, is where we all fall in that spectrum.  Where do the people running for the office of president of the United States fall on the spectrum? Where do voters fall on the spectrum? Where does the ‘average American’ fall on the spectrum? Where do you fall on the spectrum?

I don’t know what the right answer is when it comes to accepting, not accepting, how many to accept, of the Syrian refugees. What I do know, is that these people are human beings. They are babies, children, young adults, and the elderly.  Some of them are ill, and getting worse by the minute.  Many are dying from illnesses brought on by the long walks they take daily, and by exposure to the elements.   
All happening while we sit in the comfort of our homes listening to the talking heads and presidential candidates who have been given a national and international platform. Some of them using that platform to disseminate fear. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in national security, I’m all for it, because I NEVER want to wake up to a war zone in my homeland. I love America and all that she stands for. But I can also tell you that I believe we should eliminate emotion which includes fear, and when we do that, we will find a solution. Because as human beings sharing the planet with each other, we cannot look the other way. We have to do something.  And of course doing nothing is doing something. What do you think?

Research used for this article:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Branding is important, Part 2

I wasn’t planning on writing this blog any time soon to be honest with you, but something happened recently that upset me a little. Instead of running with the negative energy however, I decided to use those feelings to write this blog.  Let me first tell you a little about my brand. My company name is BooksbyCivillaMorgan. Just like that. No spaces in my company name are a part of my brand. Under the umbrella of BooksbyCivillaMorgan, I have written two books, with more to come. The two current books are based on two totally different and separate subject matters. There is nothing the same about these books except they were created by the same person: me! One book has color themes of browns, beiges, and creams. The other book has a lavender color theme. The colors have to be perfect whether you see them on my website, business cards, or flyers. No variation.  If you think I am being nitpicky, honestly, you may not be ready to manage a brand. Branding (and marketing) are that important!

So what happened? Well, let’s just say that especially in these days of social media, you; the company owner, CEO, social media specialist, must treat your brand like a toddler.  You must keep an eye on it at all times.  You may log on one day and see that someone is using your logo in conjunction with their brand. You may see someone using a portion of your content and finishing it with their pictures or videos, all without your permission!

Obviously, you cannot go to court over every issue; even if your content is trademarked, patented, or copyrighted. But if you did not give permission and/or they did not mention you in the post, you can nicely ask them to stop. You may also delete the information if you have the control or opportunity to do so.  Really, outside of going to court, that is probably the best you can do.

Honestly, I believe most people do not know any better. I believe most people are trying their best, they are doing the best they can.  But I personally do not touch anyone’s brand unless I am giving them a plug. And if you are giving someone a plug, there is no need for your brand to be anywhere in the plug. Your people already know who you are, because you have plugged your brand continuously! Also, please remember, when you mention something that someone else said, make mention of their name and company. Always! If you are running a company, whether as an entrepreneur or start-up, there is no room for pettiness. You will not go very far on that kind of gas.

As a business owner, I know you are busy from the time your eyelids open in the morning until you close them in the morning! But I strongly suggest you read and research. No matter how much you feel God may have put your business on your heart, you still need knowledge. Check spelling before posting. Research the meaning of a word or term before using it/them. Become knowledgeable on your product/subject-matter. Listen to people who have gone down the same road on which you have just started. Be teachable! No one knows everything!

With the advent of Periscope and blab, there is now live video! It is not cute not to look cute on video. I am guilty as I look back at some of my videos. I critique myself quite a bit. I wish I had worn a different top, I wish I had better lighting. We are our own worst critics. But I also do not think that as a representative of your company and your brand, that you should show up to any of these video forums looking, well, you know. Unless of course it is a part of your brand. If that’s the case, well, all the best to you!      
In a nutshell, do your best, be your best, and give your best. It will come back to you.  I promise!

Branding is important! Part 1

So recently I posted a blog, 10 Marketing tips to help get your message to the masses. On this post, I will be discussing branding! I have been trying to recall when I started loving branding; before or after my master’s degree in management, where I also obtained a concentration in marketing.  I believe I loved branding before my degree, and understood it more after my degree.  I can prove that because I have always paid close attention to the branding of companies, small or large.  I can always spot the companies that live and die by their brand, and those who just do not get it! I can also tell you the companies that are no longer with us because they refused to remain relevant, resting on their laurels; but that is another story for another day. 

Back to today’s subject. Some people believe that marketing and branding are the same, and they are somewhat correct, but not completely. You can market your company by telling everyone about it, placing advertisements, giving out discount coupons, etc. No matter how you get your name out there, no matter how you market yourself and your company, you are marketing your brand first.  And then you are marketing your product. It’s like food, whether you realize it or not, you eat with your eyes first. If the dish does not look good, you may have second thoughts about eating the food. But if you do eat the food, you may find that it tastes better than it looks; or you may find that it tastes just as badly as it looks!

Your branding has to look as good as your product, your product has to look as good as your branding.  I know, this is where entrepreneurs and start-up company owners get nervous.  I felt the same way. Most entrepreneurs and start-ups do not have a lot of money to spend on marketing and branding.  But I would suggest you do the best with what you have, and as your company grows; make sure your branding program grows accordingly. Do not leave your brand behind.

So what is branding? Well, it is your logo, your company name, your brand colors, your name, you; just to name a few. What is your company name? What is your product? What would you like your consumers to think when they see your company name in the font and colors you have chosen? What font best matches your product? Font is just as important as color.  So what are your theme colors? Are those colors calming, or exciting? How would you like your viewers to see your company? Calming, exciting, edgy? These are just a few things to think about, but I know you are not overwhelmed because your company is your passion. And because your company is your passion, I know you will do the best you can to make sure your brand represents you, which is my next point.         

See ‘Branding is important, part 2’, for the rest of the story.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Zero Growth is not Okay!

Every once in a while I conduct a mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional review…of myself. I am not searching for a picture of perfection, because that will never happen.  But I am hoping to find growth.
I am hoping that I have grown since the last check-up. I’m not OK with zero growth.  It’s nice to know I am not the same person I was five or ten years ago, but I still want to be further along than I was six months or one year ago. 
What is the point of living a stagnant, never-growing life? Always with the same thoughts, limiting beliefs, knowing there is more; but preferring to remain in the status quo. Some people are willing to remain in the status quo so as not to lose friends or family members due to personal growth.

Those of you used to reading my blogs or listening to me on my Podcast, _080315_DONT_BE_A_STATISTIC.mp3, or my YouTube Channel,  
have heard me say on a regular basis, that life is short. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Yet we continue to sit in our comfort zone, sticking with what and whom we know.  We remain in the familiar because we do not want to risk suffering any type of loss—physical, emotional, financial, etc.  I mean, stepping out of your comfort may mean
moving, changing jobs, changing churches, even changing friends! Oh no!

So you fight that inner voice that’s telling you to step out, and you stay. But there is a constant discomfort on the inside.  No one else can sense that prompting but you. No one else understands that prompting but you. Yes, a close friend or family member may sense something, and if you are fortunate, that person or persons may confront you, nudging you into the direction you should go. Unfortunately, you may also have friends that want you to stay right where you are. It could be for their comfort, jealousy, or fear of losing you.
Trust me, stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy.  There WILL BE change and growth. But if you ignore that voice, that prompting in your belly, that dream or invention may never happen. And you will regret it forever, trust me. 

Listen to that voice. Step out, grow. Because the fact is, that voice will never allow you to feel ‘comfortable’ again. Ever. You will always feel that nagging of the unknown on the inside. Always.   

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Living a #regretfreelife

What does it mean to live a #regretfreelife? We see the term usually preceded by a hash tag.  You know, that sign we used to call a pound sign, all over social media. Just about every short phrase is preceded by a hash tag these days, in an attempt to add punctuation to the point one is trying to make.

I believe living a regret free life means having to make and abide by, some tough decisions. Decisions like where you should live versus where you would like to live.  Decisions like remaining at a particular job for a little longer than you would like, so that you can have a certain amount saved for retirement. Decisions like sacrificing a certain life-style, so you can care for an ill family member.

I believe living a regret-free life means that when you are elderly and you look back on your life, you will not have any regrets about the major life-decisions you had to make.  I mean, it’s OK to be wrong about minor things like buying the wrong color vehicle, or not going for the more expensive living room furniture.

But you do not want to look back, at least I do not; and realize that I really should never have married that guy.  I don’t want to regret not being more involved in my parents’ health care decisions.  If you have children, you do not want to regret not listening to them when they told you about that weirdo down the street, or that family member.  In other words, you do not want to regret looking the other way when something really important was happening in your life. You want to look back and know you were engaged and involved in your family and friends lives.

I believe living a regret free life means slowing down and taking your time through life, instead of rushing through and then looking back and wondering where all the time went.  I believe it means never having too much on your plate at one time.  When you have too much on your plate, life tends to fall through the cracks.
How does a person decide what is regret-free and what is not? That, I believe, depends on the individual. Some people are comfortable with looking the other way, telling themselves that they are not strong enough to handle certain issues. That same issue would be on the regret-free list for someone else.   At the end of the day, everyone reaches the end of the day. And I believe even the hardest person has a conscience. The funny thing about life is, some people will live long enough to find themselves alone with their conscience.

We all have to make serious decisions in life, about our lives; and in many cases, the lives of family members who need assistance. Living a regret free life is definitely a personal decision because you are the only one who will be looking back on your life. Choose wisely, and live a #regretfreelife.