
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stay in your lane

I heard a pastor on television this morning say 'if you are doing something good in this world, you will have critics.  The only way not to have critics is to do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.'  Our critics can be family members, friends, co-workers, or people who just do not like us on sight.  You know those people who look the other way every time you walk into the room. 

Some people succumb to the pressure and decide to go with the flow, follow the crowd, because it is easier to go along and get along.  These people do not realize that the crowd really does not care who they are, but as long as they stay in their place everything will be fine. 

There are those of us however, who have decided that we do not need the crowd to survive.  We know what we have been called to do and we are in hot pursuit!  When we are in hot pursuit it can be lonely and confusing, but we know deep down why we are here.  I don't know about you, but once God told me why I was put on this planet, he set the wheels in motion for me to pursue. God does not direct us toward a goal He has not created us to achieve.  When we mess up, He does not put us aside and use someone else.  He has a purpose for all of us in His Kingdom. He will use our mistakes to guide us toward the very same goal.  He does not waste anything!

Do we need friends, family, and associates?  Of course we do.  Someone else said 'No man is an island.'  We need each other, not to use each other, but to help each other, to uplift each other.  But if we know there are people in our lives, or even strangers, who do no want us to 'surpass' them or some other family or friend, then we must recognize what is happening, pray for these people and let God work in their lives while He continues  to work in our lives.

Some of you may know the story of Jesus when he was just 12 years old, he and his parents went up to Passover which was an annual custom in their day.  On their way back home they realized he was not with them!  They had to back track, and found him teaching the adults in the Synagogue!  They were upset with him asking him why he did this. '...And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.' Luke 2:49-50.
  Do not stop, stand still, say nothing, and do nothing, when you know why you are here.  That is displeasing to God.  Ask Him for strength, and keep on moving!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My element

I love to sing.  My family loves music.  My mother sang soprano and tenor in the church choir for many years.  My maternal grandfather played banjo so well he was in several competitions.  Although he has gone to Heaven, I can still hear his music in my head.  Most of my uncles, my brother, my oldest nephew, and one or two of my aunts, play guitar.  Music, singing, runs in our veins.   

I love art.  I could spend a whole week in any museum.  To me, art represents the history, another thing I love, of the people whose drawings, prints, pottery, and clothing I am viewing.  I love history because I love to hear where people came from, what their family name means, how they arrived at today.  I love to hear the elderly talk about their lives, there is so much wisdom and so much to learn from their experiences.

My element however, is writing.  I have been writing since age 11.  When I write I get lost in time and in the subject on which I am writing.  As I sit here writing this blog, I have two articles and a school paper, all with deadlines on which I am working; not to mention the two books I have been asking God to provide the time for me to work on.  Most people would find the thought of all of this writing overwhelming.  But the fact is when you are in your element, what others may find difficult you will find easy.   

What is your element?  Are you doing it or are you making excuses?  Your element may not make you money, at least not in the beginning.  I would venture to say it is something you can do outside of work.  So no, you do not have to give up your job to 'do' your element.  

Another way to view element is to see it as the reason you are on this earth.  Many of us work day jobs but there is this one thing we love to do, not a hobby, but our element; that not only helps us but helps others.  Your element could be that of being a good parent, a tutor, assisting special needs people, etc.  If you do not know what your element is, ask God to tell you.  I promise when you realize your element and start working on it, you will realize a new sense of fulfillment.  You will realize your reason for being here.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Humility, some are born with it the rest have to learn it, usually the hard way.  When I think of the humble people in my life, I notice one common trait they have.  They love God.  They decided to put him first.  The non-humble people decided to put themselves first. 

I like to do my own personal studies of human nature.  I guess you can say I am a people watcher.  Whether I'm sitting on a park bench at a public venue, reading how people portray themselves on social media, or just listening and watching how people interact with each other.  I have even caught myself reviewing how I dealt with a certain situation.  Sometimes good, sometimes not so good.

To be transparent, I believe I am one who had to learn humility.  My parents are humble, but it seems to be the one thing they could not teach me.  Life taught me.  You see, humility is mentioned several times in the Bible.  God seems to appreciate the person who can be humble because those are the people with whom he can more easily work.  Have you ever tried to work with someone who was not humble?  They know it all, they know more than you do, they don't trust or believe anything anyone else says.  It seems like they were born all-knowing! 

Humble people on the other hand, maintain a teachable spirit.  They may know what you are talking about, but they listen anyway.  It's not that they want you to stumble or that they appreciate you showing off, they just know, or have learned how to sit quietly until it is their turn.  And when it is their turn, they take their turn with class.  Humble people sometimes protect others from themselves.  I will let you think about that. 

I heard a pastor tell a story recently.  He was just starting out in his ministry and had a small congregation.  He and some of his leaders invited a well-known man to come and speak to his congregation.  They invited people from all around, posted fliers, everyone anticipated hearing from this man.  The day before he was supposed to go to speak, he called the pastor and asked him how big his congregation was.  When the pastor told him, he told the pastor the congregation was too small and that he had changed his mind.  The pastor tried to get him to change his decision but he would not.  When everyone showed up, they were told that the speaker would not be there.  I can imagine how he felt.  He did not tell them why.  He protected this speaker from himself.

From all accounts, God dealt with this man.  He ended up losing his wealth, his wife, his social standing.  He talked about it years later and it so happens the pastor was in attendance to hear this man give the account of how he lost everything.  If we do not learn humility, God will teach it to us.  I don't know about you, but I would rather learn it on my own. 

I don't believe humility is always easy, but I believe it's the best course of action.  If we stop trying to fix things, fix people, fix situations, and allow God to work, it is amazing the outcome we will see.  I have noticed in my life that humility works much better than not.  I have come to appreciate the trait some people so naturally have.  It has protected me from silly arguments, bad decisions, and a quick tongue.  It has allowed me to let go and let God.  Trust me, it's amazing the way God fixes things when we humble ourselves before Him an let him work.

'Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.'  Daniel 10:12.