
Sunday, November 9, 2014

What's your struggle?

What if we used our struggles to better ourselves, instead of fighting against our struggles.  Most people want to hide their struggles, their weakness, their faults, and their failures.  What if we admitted them and then used them to make us better, lessening their effect on us and on those around us?  How can we do that you ask?  It would not be easy, it would take time, but I believe it would be worth it in the end.

The first thing we would have to do is to make a list, take stock of our faults and failures.  It may be a painful undertaking, but I believe as human beings making our way through life, we should take stock once in a while anyway. I believe that is how we grow and mature spiritually and emotionally. We cannot continue on unless we have the list.

Once the list is complete, the next step is to not beat ourselves up.  No one is perfect, negative self-talk is self-defeating.  We do not have time for that.  Life is short, and we have someplace to be. Where you ask? Wherever it is God says we should be.  After all, that is the reason for this exercise. We were all put on this earth for a reason.  The reasons are many: to be the best parents, to be the next president, prime minister, CEO, or scientist.  Whatever God puts on our heart to do, to become, we must be the best; do our best.  When we are taking stock, we must be thorough, otherwise what would be the point?

So we make our list, and we take stock of each item on that list.  We have decided not to fight against or to struggle with, our faults and failures.  We must instead invite God to help us use those faults and struggles, to make us patient with ourselves and with others. The struggle against ourselves will try to overtake us daily.  But we must daily push back. That is called maturity, and it is called using our struggles instead of fighting against them.  


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