
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Inside the profile

Four years ago today, December 15th, 2011, I was inside the profile; but I was not alone. I was in the OR—operating room, undergoing an approximately four to six hour surgery. I was having that final surgery.  A lot of prayers were being sent up for me, in fact my surgeon prayed with my parents and me.  The surgery went well although there were complications during recovery. But I survived those too.

 The last couple of years, my ‘anniversary’ came and went without barely a thought, but somehow this year, today; it is really on my mind. I have decided not to ignore the process and just allow myself to think about it. I am happy to be alive and well; emotionally, mentally, and spiritually now.  And I was fine after the surgery, but then I began to become very sad.  I started to realize I would really never carry a child now that I had that final surgery.  Before the surgery, although I was having a lot of physical problems, I told myself I still had a chance. But the surgery was a finalization.  And that finalization hit me in a delayed reaction kind of way.

I had to eventually visit a psychologist after constantly crying for days and not knowing how to stop it.  He eventually told me that I was grieving a loss, and that was when the light bulb went on for me! I was not allowing myself to grieve because I didn’t know I was grieving. I did not know I could grieve something I never had.  And on top of all of that, I had stopped praying.
Bottom line, I have been on a journey.  And I know millions of women around the world have been on the same or similar journey.

Inside the profile with me, whether I felt it or not at the time, was Jesus. Yes, what I went through was almost unbearable, but I survived.  God was with me, and He knows my end to my beginning and my beginning to my end.  Check out my logo! You will see someone in the profile!  He is always in the profile. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ethnocentrism, What is that???

Yes, you heard correctly, ethnocentrism.  That word has been rolling around in my head a lot lately, because of the current crisis and issue our country has been having with what to do with the Syrian refugees.

You see, According to Ben Winsor of the Business Insider,  Outside of Syria’s neighboring countries, Germany leads the way in accepting refugees.  The United States and Canada are at the bottom of the list in number of refugees accepted into our countries.  Although I understand the inherent fear that non-European countries have of taking in refugees due to historical and present threats to the West.  The fact is however, America has very high-tech ways of vetting people who want to enter our country. I wish I could say that it is simple lack of technology and resources that is keeping us from accepting refugees.  But I believe it is fear, not lack of technology that is keeping us back. 

And this is where ethnocentrism comes in. I first realized there was an official name for the belief that one’s race is better than others, just a few years ago. According to, the definition of ethnocentrism is ‘...the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. 2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.’  To be fair, I believe every race and culture, including the Syrians, probably feels the same way; to varying degrees.  It is normal to feel pride in your heritage. This is why in America we have Black History month, Hispanic Heritage month, and St. Patrick’s Day, to name a few. People like to represent their heritage by hanging miniature flags in their vehicle’s rear view mirror. We like to visit ‘the old country’ every once in a while, and we like to cook and eat the foods of that old country. 

But on the other end of the spectrum, because every issue has a spectrum; are the people who will kill to keep their status quo.  They believe in the separation of races.  They do not believe there should be ‘race-mixing’ of any kind. These people distribute propaganda during their secret meetings, online on their websites, and via public protest.  The key question though, is where we all fall in that spectrum.  Where do the people running for the office of president of the United States fall on the spectrum? Where do voters fall on the spectrum? Where does the ‘average American’ fall on the spectrum? Where do you fall on the spectrum?

I don’t know what the right answer is when it comes to accepting, not accepting, how many to accept, of the Syrian refugees. What I do know, is that these people are human beings. They are babies, children, young adults, and the elderly.  Some of them are ill, and getting worse by the minute.  Many are dying from illnesses brought on by the long walks they take daily, and by exposure to the elements.   
All happening while we sit in the comfort of our homes listening to the talking heads and presidential candidates who have been given a national and international platform. Some of them using that platform to disseminate fear. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in national security, I’m all for it, because I NEVER want to wake up to a war zone in my homeland. I love America and all that she stands for. But I can also tell you that I believe we should eliminate emotion which includes fear, and when we do that, we will find a solution. Because as human beings sharing the planet with each other, we cannot look the other way. We have to do something.  And of course doing nothing is doing something. What do you think?

Research used for this article:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Branding is important, Part 2

I wasn’t planning on writing this blog any time soon to be honest with you, but something happened recently that upset me a little. Instead of running with the negative energy however, I decided to use those feelings to write this blog.  Let me first tell you a little about my brand. My company name is BooksbyCivillaMorgan. Just like that. No spaces in my company name are a part of my brand. Under the umbrella of BooksbyCivillaMorgan, I have written two books, with more to come. The two current books are based on two totally different and separate subject matters. There is nothing the same about these books except they were created by the same person: me! One book has color themes of browns, beiges, and creams. The other book has a lavender color theme. The colors have to be perfect whether you see them on my website, business cards, or flyers. No variation.  If you think I am being nitpicky, honestly, you may not be ready to manage a brand. Branding (and marketing) are that important!

So what happened? Well, let’s just say that especially in these days of social media, you; the company owner, CEO, social media specialist, must treat your brand like a toddler.  You must keep an eye on it at all times.  You may log on one day and see that someone is using your logo in conjunction with their brand. You may see someone using a portion of your content and finishing it with their pictures or videos, all without your permission!

Obviously, you cannot go to court over every issue; even if your content is trademarked, patented, or copyrighted. But if you did not give permission and/or they did not mention you in the post, you can nicely ask them to stop. You may also delete the information if you have the control or opportunity to do so.  Really, outside of going to court, that is probably the best you can do.

Honestly, I believe most people do not know any better. I believe most people are trying their best, they are doing the best they can.  But I personally do not touch anyone’s brand unless I am giving them a plug. And if you are giving someone a plug, there is no need for your brand to be anywhere in the plug. Your people already know who you are, because you have plugged your brand continuously! Also, please remember, when you mention something that someone else said, make mention of their name and company. Always! If you are running a company, whether as an entrepreneur or start-up, there is no room for pettiness. You will not go very far on that kind of gas.

As a business owner, I know you are busy from the time your eyelids open in the morning until you close them in the morning! But I strongly suggest you read and research. No matter how much you feel God may have put your business on your heart, you still need knowledge. Check spelling before posting. Research the meaning of a word or term before using it/them. Become knowledgeable on your product/subject-matter. Listen to people who have gone down the same road on which you have just started. Be teachable! No one knows everything!

With the advent of Periscope and blab, there is now live video! It is not cute not to look cute on video. I am guilty as I look back at some of my videos. I critique myself quite a bit. I wish I had worn a different top, I wish I had better lighting. We are our own worst critics. But I also do not think that as a representative of your company and your brand, that you should show up to any of these video forums looking, well, you know. Unless of course it is a part of your brand. If that’s the case, well, all the best to you!      
In a nutshell, do your best, be your best, and give your best. It will come back to you.  I promise!

Branding is important! Part 1

So recently I posted a blog, 10 Marketing tips to help get your message to the masses. On this post, I will be discussing branding! I have been trying to recall when I started loving branding; before or after my master’s degree in management, where I also obtained a concentration in marketing.  I believe I loved branding before my degree, and understood it more after my degree.  I can prove that because I have always paid close attention to the branding of companies, small or large.  I can always spot the companies that live and die by their brand, and those who just do not get it! I can also tell you the companies that are no longer with us because they refused to remain relevant, resting on their laurels; but that is another story for another day. 

Back to today’s subject. Some people believe that marketing and branding are the same, and they are somewhat correct, but not completely. You can market your company by telling everyone about it, placing advertisements, giving out discount coupons, etc. No matter how you get your name out there, no matter how you market yourself and your company, you are marketing your brand first.  And then you are marketing your product. It’s like food, whether you realize it or not, you eat with your eyes first. If the dish does not look good, you may have second thoughts about eating the food. But if you do eat the food, you may find that it tastes better than it looks; or you may find that it tastes just as badly as it looks!

Your branding has to look as good as your product, your product has to look as good as your branding.  I know, this is where entrepreneurs and start-up company owners get nervous.  I felt the same way. Most entrepreneurs and start-ups do not have a lot of money to spend on marketing and branding.  But I would suggest you do the best with what you have, and as your company grows; make sure your branding program grows accordingly. Do not leave your brand behind.

So what is branding? Well, it is your logo, your company name, your brand colors, your name, you; just to name a few. What is your company name? What is your product? What would you like your consumers to think when they see your company name in the font and colors you have chosen? What font best matches your product? Font is just as important as color.  So what are your theme colors? Are those colors calming, or exciting? How would you like your viewers to see your company? Calming, exciting, edgy? These are just a few things to think about, but I know you are not overwhelmed because your company is your passion. And because your company is your passion, I know you will do the best you can to make sure your brand represents you, which is my next point.         

See ‘Branding is important, part 2’, for the rest of the story.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Zero Growth is not Okay!

Every once in a while I conduct a mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional review…of myself. I am not searching for a picture of perfection, because that will never happen.  But I am hoping to find growth.
I am hoping that I have grown since the last check-up. I’m not OK with zero growth.  It’s nice to know I am not the same person I was five or ten years ago, but I still want to be further along than I was six months or one year ago. 
What is the point of living a stagnant, never-growing life? Always with the same thoughts, limiting beliefs, knowing there is more; but preferring to remain in the status quo. Some people are willing to remain in the status quo so as not to lose friends or family members due to personal growth.

Those of you used to reading my blogs or listening to me on my Podcast, _080315_DONT_BE_A_STATISTIC.mp3, or my YouTube Channel,  
have heard me say on a regular basis, that life is short. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Yet we continue to sit in our comfort zone, sticking with what and whom we know.  We remain in the familiar because we do not want to risk suffering any type of loss—physical, emotional, financial, etc.  I mean, stepping out of your comfort may mean
moving, changing jobs, changing churches, even changing friends! Oh no!

So you fight that inner voice that’s telling you to step out, and you stay. But there is a constant discomfort on the inside.  No one else can sense that prompting but you. No one else understands that prompting but you. Yes, a close friend or family member may sense something, and if you are fortunate, that person or persons may confront you, nudging you into the direction you should go. Unfortunately, you may also have friends that want you to stay right where you are. It could be for their comfort, jealousy, or fear of losing you.
Trust me, stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy.  There WILL BE change and growth. But if you ignore that voice, that prompting in your belly, that dream or invention may never happen. And you will regret it forever, trust me. 

Listen to that voice. Step out, grow. Because the fact is, that voice will never allow you to feel ‘comfortable’ again. Ever. You will always feel that nagging of the unknown on the inside. Always.   

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Living a #regretfreelife

What does it mean to live a #regretfreelife? We see the term usually preceded by a hash tag.  You know, that sign we used to call a pound sign, all over social media. Just about every short phrase is preceded by a hash tag these days, in an attempt to add punctuation to the point one is trying to make.

I believe living a regret free life means having to make and abide by, some tough decisions. Decisions like where you should live versus where you would like to live.  Decisions like remaining at a particular job for a little longer than you would like, so that you can have a certain amount saved for retirement. Decisions like sacrificing a certain life-style, so you can care for an ill family member.

I believe living a regret-free life means that when you are elderly and you look back on your life, you will not have any regrets about the major life-decisions you had to make.  I mean, it’s OK to be wrong about minor things like buying the wrong color vehicle, or not going for the more expensive living room furniture.

But you do not want to look back, at least I do not; and realize that I really should never have married that guy.  I don’t want to regret not being more involved in my parents’ health care decisions.  If you have children, you do not want to regret not listening to them when they told you about that weirdo down the street, or that family member.  In other words, you do not want to regret looking the other way when something really important was happening in your life. You want to look back and know you were engaged and involved in your family and friends lives.

I believe living a regret free life means slowing down and taking your time through life, instead of rushing through and then looking back and wondering where all the time went.  I believe it means never having too much on your plate at one time.  When you have too much on your plate, life tends to fall through the cracks.
How does a person decide what is regret-free and what is not? That, I believe, depends on the individual. Some people are comfortable with looking the other way, telling themselves that they are not strong enough to handle certain issues. That same issue would be on the regret-free list for someone else.   At the end of the day, everyone reaches the end of the day. And I believe even the hardest person has a conscience. The funny thing about life is, some people will live long enough to find themselves alone with their conscience.

We all have to make serious decisions in life, about our lives; and in many cases, the lives of family members who need assistance. Living a regret free life is definitely a personal decision because you are the only one who will be looking back on your life. Choose wisely, and live a #regretfreelife.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Getting Ready!

I’m working on my next book, my 365-day devotional; and every day I remind myself how easy I thought the process would be. I thought it would be different than writing a book, for some strange reason. But it is not. I have decided to stick to my self-imposed schedule, but I have also decided, as is always the case, to make sure I have beautiful well-thought out content.  I really want the women who purchase this book to find deep solace in its pages. There will be some great additions, inserts, and interaction. I am so excited!
I will not beat myself up if it is not ready by my initial deadline, but I plan to have it finished as soon as possible.
To get you ready for ‘21st Century Hannah 365 Days of Praise’, here is a rough draft sampler of one of my ‘days’.  The day can change, so I will not mention which day this is: 

Favorites. Do you ever wonder if God has favorites? Do you ever notice how some people seem to profoundly mess up, but God blesses them anyway? You find yourself talking to God, telling him how you just wanted one thing your entire life, but he said no. In fact, as in my case, he seemed to block every possible way that my prayer could have been answered! Yet others are blessed over and over, and some of them apparently oblivious. Well, let me remind you that the comparison game creates a slippery slope that can take you to bitterness and sadness. Don’t go there! Concentrate on you, your life, your relationship with Christ; and with others.  Make sure you are where you are supposed to be physically, spiritually, and emotionally. This is one of the few times in life when it is about you’.  ©     

Remember, this is a rough draft, I may make some changes in the final draft. 

Please also remember that this is copyrighted information. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Birthday Gift to You!

Well, this is the end of August! I tried so hard to make it to the beach during my birthday month! But never ye fear! I will get there!  In the meantime, here is a top 10 list in honor of my birthday! Consider it my gift you! You all know I love lists, especially top 10 lists! 

1)     Know your faults, work on doing better, but act accordingly.  If you know you are not a patient person, recognize that. Don’t pretend that it is OK to be rude or mean. It’s not OK.  For example, don’t go to the big box store on a Saturday if you know you do not have the patience.

2)      Know your weaknesses. I mean seriously, there would be a lot less busted marriages, lives, bank accounts, etc., if you admitted your weaknesses.  Admit them and then plan accordingly. Doing so does not make you weak, it makes you strong. You have to be accountable. Yes, when your weaknesses know you are in control, they lose control. It does not mean they necessarily go away, no one will ever be perfect; but you are in control, not your weaknesses and emotions.  Believe me, there is nothing wrong or boring with the straight and narrow.  I’m sure the clients of Ashley Madison were wishing for a little straight and narrow living right about now.  Hey, maybe they can use a copy of my book “Down Again”!
My book Down Again

3)      Listen to your gut. It is ALWAYS right. Please, know the difference between your gut and your prejudices. That’s all I will say about that.  Your gut may be saying “no, never, ever, ever, no!” Or it may just be saying “not today, maybe tomorrow.”  Know the difference. Point number six goes into more detail. Keep reading!

4)      Be OK with not being liked by everyone. Try to get along with everyone, but choose your friends wisely. When you choose your friends wisely, you will choose your time wisely. I mean, who has time for gossip, nosiness, drama, and instigation? Yes, I checked, and instigation is a word.  You know the title of my blog site is DramaFreeZoneReligionFinanceLife right? Note the drama free zone portion. If you want to live in peace, be at peace with everyone.  Hebrews 12:14 says “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” 

5)      Be kind. You can be kind without being a doormat.  This is where setting boundaries is important. There should be boundaries in every relationship.  Learn more about setting boundaries by reading the works of Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.  If people become upset when you enforce your boundaries, see point number four. 

6)      Get to know yourself. Like yourself, warts and faults, and all.  People like to say “God is still working on me.” That’s a cop-out. God is still working on all of his children.  If you need to apologize just do so. If you need to fix a situation, just fix it. Stop with the excuses and blame game. Learn you, work on you, and see point number one.

7)      Understand that when people act inappropriately towards you, most of the time they just do not know better.  Sometimes people are taking out their frustrations and their demons on you. Choose your battles, and if something is really bothering you, address it. Did I say it already? Choose your battles.  If you stop to address everything, you will be viewed as cray cray, also known as crazy; even if you do have a valid point. Oh, and see point number five.

8)      Kenny Rogers said, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to run.” He’s right. It’s not about being mean.  You would be just as dysfunctional if you continued to accept bad behavior after the same discussions with that person or people, over and over.    See point number five.

9)      It’s OK to make mistakes. There is no perfect human being on this planet! We will make mistakes, say dumb things, and trust the wrong people.  The key is to learn from our mistakes and to allow those mistakes to happen less, as we become older. See points four through eight.

10) Pray! Whether you believe there is a God or not, there is one. Whether you believe there is a    hell or not, there is one. Whether you believe there is a Heaven or not, there is one.  Oh, and whether you believe there is a devil or not, there is one.  We are coming down to the last days where right is wrong and wrong is right.  Many children are rude and abusive to their parents and elders.  Many parents are not stepping up to their role of readying their children for the real world.  The world has turned upside down and inside out.  We don’t know who to trust anymore because everyone is either wearing a mask or they are showing their true colors.  They are showing their true colors while in a role they probably should not be in.  The only one we can trust is God.  He will direct our every step if we allow him.  But we must allow him. I know he does not answer every prayer the way we would like, but we have to trust that he knows why.  
Hang in there, do the best you can, and re-visit points one through nine! 

Monday, August 24, 2015


A few weeks ago I drove south west for two hours to meet family members for dinner.  August is a big birthday month for our family, with a birthday almost every week!  We had an enjoyable dinner, in fact, I had a wonderful steak!  After dinner, I drove behind my sister as I would be spending the night at her home, instead of driving the two hours back.

As we maneuvered our way through the downtown streets that night, we had to drive under a bridge to get to the interstate. Driving under the bridge, it became even darker.  But I saw, or maybe felt, is a better word; I felt slight movements to my right. I looked to my right, and saw them.  There were about 50 of them, lined up and down the sidewalk.  I could see that some of them were conversing.  Some were already laying down, having already turned in for the night.  Some were sitting, but many of them were still standing, as if waiting.  For a crowd, it was quiet, surreal.  They looked like ghosts.  Faceless, voiceless ghosts. 

I watched in disbelief! I had never seen so many homeless people in one place, and it was so late at night!  I continued to look at them while trying to keep my eyes on the road, trying to take it all in. I even looked to see if there were children.  That would have broken my heart.  After driving by them, I called my sister. I could not wait until we got to her house to ask her. She answered, and I asked, “Were those homeless people?!” She responded, “Yep! Salvation Army must be full tonight.”  She later told me that the Salvation Army was right across the street, as well as another shelter around the corner from them.  But they often filled up fast.  I had not seen the signs for the shelters.  I was too shocked at the sight I had seen on the other side of the street to see anything else.

I drove the rest of the way to my sister’s house feeling somewhat guilty. I had just had a wonderful steak dinner, I had a great time with family, and I was blessed to be driving the vehicle of my dreams.  Later that evening as my sister and I chatted, I told her that I wish I had thought about purchasing enough McDonald’s burgers to feed those people.  She said she definitely would have done it if I had mentioned it. 

The guilt welled up in me again.  But this time, I told myself that I work hard every day.  I work hard for what I have, and guilt was not the correct emotion.  Compassion and sympathy were more likely what I should be feeling.  And I did have those feelings.  But I also knew that many of those people under the bridge had worked hard.  Many of them had probably lost everything because they had been working from paycheck to paycheck.  One bad set back was all it took to throw them onto the street.  I knew that in many other cases, mental illness was the cause.  I also knew that life has many twists and turns, and really it could happen to anyone, even if just briefly.  And I knew that it is never good to look down on anyone because we could one day look down and see our own reflection. 

I recently read a news story about a homeless mother who was sentenced to a five-year jail sentence.  The authorities apparently found out that she had lied about where she lived, so that her son could go to the best school in the area.  I have been praying for that situation ever since I heard about it.  It never ceases to amaze me how the legal system manages to make things worse for people, than they already are, instead of making things better.  Why are human beings so heartless towards each other? Why had I not thought of McDonald’s sooner? 

I don’t know the answer to the homeless problem in every city in our country, or around the world.  But I do know, that we can all do our part. I know that a gift certificate to a fast food restaurant is inexpensive.  A sandwich baggie filled with toiletries would help immensely!  And if doing either of those things would somehow take you out of your comfort zone, you could send money to your local homeless shelter.  They are always in need of assistance. I know that if more people looked at the crowd instead of looking the other way, it would help stem the problem.    

Monday, August 17, 2015


Have you ever attended an online event? We’re living in a brand new, brave new world. We can now attend events from the comfort of our living room couch!  You may be thinking that the experience may not be the same as being there in person. But imagine gathering and conversing with women from around the world.  Imagine doing so without having to purchase an airline ticket and paying for a hotel stay. Imagine no bathroom waiting lines, and being able to eat food you prepared so you know exactly how many calories you are consuming! But more importantly, imagine attending, and then leaving the experience feeling refreshed, restored, and revitalized?  
Bible Study Expo 2015 will be this Thursday August 20th, from 1 pm until 4 pm CST, 2 pm to 5 pm EST. 

Marnie Swedberg, host of The Bible Study Expo, started this virtual meeting in 2009.  This expo features several Bible study authors who have written at least three Bible Study books.  They are interviewed, and are then available for discussion with the attendees of the Expo.  Visit here on the day of The Expo, and join the conversation! We may even run into each other!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

10 Marketing tips to help get your message to the masses!

10) Who is your target market? Who is your message or product geared to?

9) Research the habits of your target market. When are they online, when are they not online? How old are they? Where do they live? What is their marital status, how many children do they have, does this matter to your business, the product you are selling?

8) Know your niche in the market.  It’s good to know your market, know their demographics; but you are not the only individual or business in that space.  What do you bring to the table that would be different than other businesses in your niche market?  

7) Font. Yes, it sounds nit picky, but even something as simple as the wrong font can turn off possible clients. If you are not sure, stick with simple and business-like, unless you know your market well enough to know they would not mind Goudy stout on every page of your website! And of course what type of font you use depends on the medium in which you use it. For example, you may not get away with Goudy stout on every page of your website, but you may get away with it on your business cards.  

6) Patience. Building your brand, learning your market, and realizing success in your business, takes patience, and passion.  Most people have enough passion inside them for their product.  But they may not exercise enough patience. Patience is key!

Courtesy Genta Mochizawa

5) Know your strengths…and your weaknesses. I am going to spend some extra words on this point because I believe this is very important! You cannot do it all, you will become a ‘jack of all trades, and a master of none.’ Some people agree with this quote, some do not.  And I believe in this age of technology and DIY—do it yourself programs, for building just about anything; many people can become proficient at several different things.  But in my humble opinion, there is a difference between proficiency and mastery.  You can become proficient at writing code as you DIY your business website, but the site will look proficient.  Believe me, when you are just starting out, money will be tight.  In fact, money will be tight for quite some time.  But before you assume that every web builder charges thousands of dollars to build a beautiful site, do some research.  Ask people whose sites you like, who built their site.  Ask the builder if they are willing to work on the cost with you, if you think they are charging too much.  This goes for every aspect of your business.  Remember, this is your passion. No one else’s.  No one else is going to ask the tough questions, go to bat for your business, feel slightly embarrassed about your lack of knowledge, and willing to always be on a learning curve.  Do what you can with what you have.  If you have a not so nice site, that’s fine.  But do not have a not so nice site because you did not ask around. 

4) Track your progress, aka metrics.   I never thought I would care about metrics because they were the bane of my existence when I worked in Corporate America. It was hard for me to treat human beings like numbers.  Now that I am working for myself, I use metrics to help direct me to what is working or not working for my business.  Should I continue to purchase advertisement space in a certain media space if I am not getting any leads or responses from that space? How many chances should I give that media space?  I am talking about media spaces such as print advertising, social media advertising, and word of mouth (which in my opinion is the strongest form of advertising), just to name a few.  You have to decide when one of these types of advertising mediums is not working for your business, but remember to give each some time. 

3) Know your brand…inside and out!   You have probably heard this before, but what is your elevator speech?  Do you have it memorized and ready to go at the drop of a hat? Many times, most times, you only get one chance to make a good first impression! I will not question your passion for your business.  And I know it is not good to assume, but I have to assume you are passionate about your brand, your business.  If you were not passionate about your business, you would not be out on a limb working well past midnight to build your company! If someone asks you what your business, your book, your message is about, you should be able to rattle it off in 20 seconds! You should know that 20 second speech so well you can say it in your sleep. You should also know how it can pertain to ANYONE you are speaking to. I will let you think about that.

2) Be prepared.  Everyone has their personal pet peeves.  I have a few, well several. OK, wait, this is not about me. Long before I obtained my masters in management with a concentration in marketing, this one issue bothered me.  When I ask someone for their business card and their response is, ‘I just ran out of business cards’.  Sorry, I know it’s not good to judge, but I just lost a percentage of confidence in your message, your brand, and your business.  No business person should ever run out of business cards.  They are just too inexpensive, no matter how tight your budget might be.  If you are worried about them not being as cool, classy, or cute as the next person's, you are worrying about the wrong things. However, things do happen, and if you did run out of business cards, you should have pen and paper on you at all times.  Another pet peeve. You are running a business, but you do not have one pen on your person.  I will tell you what is going through my mind at this point: ‘amateur’.  A little harsh? Maybe, but I am trying to help you.  Most people just will not tell you these things.  Get the best business cards you can afford. If they are not thick and expensive looking, make up for that with some nice graphics.  Graphics by the way that you can create on your own.  As your business grows, and your budget allows, get some nicer cards. Let your cards grow and evolve with you and your business.  Which leads to my final point.

1) Change.  Do not be afraid to change.  As I mentioned in the point above, let your business cards grow and evolve.  Well, it is the same concept for the rest of your business, for every aspect of your business.  Your message and your brand are the back bone of your business.  Everything else that revolves around your brand should evolve.  Your business cards, marketing packages etc., should become nicer and more streamlined as you grow.  Do not allow yourself to remain stagnant.  You want to continue to be relevant.  You should remain relevant without changing your backbone, your foundation.            

Well, there are certainly more than 10 marketing tips to get your brand and your message out to the masses.  These are the 10 I believe are important especially as you start your business.  You know, I really enjoyed my marketing classes.  I learned so much about the psychology of people and the importance of branding.  I also realized the importance of remaining relevant.  I could not believe the elementary mistakes some of the largest companies in our country have made over the years, I believe out of sheer stubbornness.  Where is K Mart today?  How is Sears doing?  Why is JC Penney struggling off and on?  I find it difficult to believe such large corporations did not have a team of people who were employed solely to keep their ears to the ground, to make sure the company remained relevant at all times.  These companies are just a few examples of what happens when you do not remain relevant and do not market properly.

If you are a starter company, I hope these 10 pointers were informative and helpful.  If you have been around for some time, I hope it was a great reminder.  Either way, I hope this information will encourage you to continue learning all you can about marketing your business, and growing your business! 

Monday, July 27, 2015


He walked between the idling vehicles.  Vehicles whose drivers I am quite sure impatiently waited for the light to turn green.  Everyone wants to reach their destination right?  He walked laboriously.  It made me think about how effortless it was for me to just get up from a chair and walk to another room, without thinking about it.  I could almost feel the pain he must sometimes feel, just to walk. 
He walked between the idling vehicles, but he was still slightly too far away for me to get his attention.  I assumed he would continue walking between the vehicles, toward my vehicle. I pulled $2.00 out of my purse, waiting for him to get closer, but just then he turned between two vehicles and stepped onto the sidewalk.  I was slightly disappointed as I put the $2.00 back into my purse, admittedly wondering what he would have done with the money. I also thought to myself, 'if he only knew how close he was to $2.00', especially as I seldom carry cash.  We sat at the light for another 15 or 20 seconds.  Ample time for him to have continued walking.  He had become discouraged and given up when he was so close.  Who knows how many people behind me may also have had $2.00, or more? 

As I sat waiting for the light to turn green, I thought about people in general, who had given up, not knowing how close they were to achieving their dream.  How many people had given up and walked back onto the sidewalk just before their $2.00?  I winced at the thought that it could be me!  Just then I said a quick prayer, ‘please God, don’t let me give up just before my breakthrough, before my $2.00.’  I put my purse back, thinking ‘if he only knew’.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Top 10 things every woman over 40 should know

10) Its true, we really should have at least one really nice black dress, one really nice business suit, and one really nice pair of shoes!

 9) After 40, we should realize that although human beings are living longer, life is short.  Every day should be chock full of joy and thankfulness whether we are cooking yet another meal, taking out the trash, or zip lining through a forest! Every day is a gift.

8) Most arguments are just not worth it. Most people will realize that once you have declined the invitation to argue, they will calm down.  Most people…which leads to the next point.

7) Life is too short for drama. We must avoid the drama queens and kings as much as possible.  We can’t save everyone!  I read a meme the other day that I really like: ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys’! I’m not sure who said it, but I love it!

6) By the way, in point number seven, it does not mean that we should not be kind or helpful, but by 40, we should: Know the difference between lending an ear and getting drawn in. 

5) We should know that having a giving spirit does not mean we are losers or that we are stupid. It just means we have a giving spirit. The key is to know to whom we should give, or not to give.  We should know how to be selective and when to cut people off when we see a trend. You know what I’m talking about! It is called discernment and common sense.  If you do not have either, ask God to give them to you.

4) By 40 we know that no one, not even we ourselves, is perfect.  We should be kind to others even if we do not ‘click’ with them.  It won’t take anything out of us to do so.

3) For those of us who are single never married, divorced, or widowed, we have a lot to offer.  Chances are there are people in our lives with whom we can spend time. At any rate, we have a book to write, a degree to finish, or a project we have always wanted to complete.  We are first class human beings.  We should not settle for just any companionship to avoid loneliness.  There’s a big world out there waiting for us to get to know!    

2) If you are married, enjoy your spouse. Hey, you said yes!  The grass is not greener. It is only greener where you water and fertilize.  Hey, look at fertilizer as an investment.  That stuff is expensive! OK, that’s it on that subject.  If you have children, enjoy them, before you know it they will be grown and gone.  Do not take advantage of them, and do not take them for granted.  At least one of them may be there for you during your old age.  And remember, some of us do not have children.

1) We should get to know our Creator. He is the one who will never leave us or forsake us even when the most well-meaning and loving human being we know, may let us down.  He will never let us down, whether he answers our prayers the way we wanted or not. Trust him.  After all, he knows our end to our beginning and our beginning to our end. Check out these two scriptures.  ‘Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things which have not been done, saying ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.’-- Isaiah 46:10…and “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”-- Revelations 22:13.

There are many more things that will occur to us as we head into our 40’s.  It’s definitely not just 10 things, but I will tell you this; I felt like an adult for the first time in my life when I turned 40…a long time ago!  I maintain a teachable spirit, but I have also decided that I would go out on a limb more.  I take day trips to the beach and other places I had always wanted to.  I decided that In the midst of my life’s responsibilities, I was going to have fun! Life is short!  Hey, no matter how it looks on social media, no one’s life is perfect.  Most people are just doing the best with what they have been given.  At least that’s what we should be doing!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

When God's Children Fight

It doesn’t sound good does it? I mean, is that the image we want to portray to the world that Christians fight? Well I have news for you, they already know. The way Christians manage dispute, and the way we deal with the resulting consequences of the dispute, are what the world sees.  Sometimes on television, sometimes in their local churches.   

Many non-Christians believe that Christians should not fight, that we should not make mistakes, that we should not drop the ball.  I have news for you, we are human beings. We will mess up, we will drop the ball, and we will make mistakes.  Part of our transformation is however, that we are willing to correct, to change.  When we become Christians, we are supposed to grow in our knowledge of Christ.  That means we cannot keep the same bad attitudes and dirty habits.  We will not necessarily change overnight, but we should not be anywhere near the same a year or 30 years after we become Christians!  Unfortunately, some Christians do not change.  So you will see the same bad attitude and not much change, year after year after year!

I think this is the struggle most non-Christians have.  They see many Christians acting and talking like non-Christians and they get confused.  Most non-Christians will tell you that although they are not Christians themselves, they know how a Christian should act.  It sounds superficial, but that is the thought process of many non-Christians.  The fact is, most people at least in America, identify with the Christian faith. But identifying with a faith and living the life are two completely different things. 

For those Christians who more than identify, who truly believe, we still run the risk of messing up from time to time. Sorry!  There is a further difference though.  And here’s the clincher, the true Christian’s mess ups should be fewer as the years go by.  After all, like any relationship we are truly interested in cultivating, we want to learn the other person’s personality.  In fact we take on aspects of their personality.  We want to please that person, and we want to stay in relationship with that person.  We learn what makes them tick, what makes them upset, and what makes them happy.  Our relationship with Christ is pretty similar, except that we get more out of the relationship than he does.  In my opinion.  He loves us unconditionally, he wants us to spread the good news about how wonderful a relationship with him would be.  But he also wants us to reflect his attitude toward life, toward others, the more we become like him.

He wants us to be more forgiving. He wants us to be about his business instead of gossiping, backstabbing, and jostling for position.  God wants us to recognize our weaknesses and work on them daily, realizing we will never be perfect. He wants us to be more like him every day, every year, whether it is a year or 30 years from now! 

When we have disagreements especially with other Christians, God wants us to resolve those issues with him in mind.  He wants us to act like brothers and sisters, not mortal enemies.  He does not want us to go for the jugular, pounding each other into the ground, trying to destroy each other.  Those are all worldly and definitely ungodly actions.   We should not forget who or whose we are when we disagree with each other.  If we cannot resolve differences amongst each other like proper Christians, we are showing a bad example to the world.  And we are proving that we have not grown and probably have no intention of doing so.  We are just identifying with Christianity, but not living the life.

God will have the last word in every aspect of our relationship with him, and with each other.  He will give us increase and he will admonish us, because he loves us.  The question is, will you just identify with Christianity, or will you be about the life?