
Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Birthday Gift to You!

Well, this is the end of August! I tried so hard to make it to the beach during my birthday month! But never ye fear! I will get there!  In the meantime, here is a top 10 list in honor of my birthday! Consider it my gift you! You all know I love lists, especially top 10 lists! 

1)     Know your faults, work on doing better, but act accordingly.  If you know you are not a patient person, recognize that. Don’t pretend that it is OK to be rude or mean. It’s not OK.  For example, don’t go to the big box store on a Saturday if you know you do not have the patience.

2)      Know your weaknesses. I mean seriously, there would be a lot less busted marriages, lives, bank accounts, etc., if you admitted your weaknesses.  Admit them and then plan accordingly. Doing so does not make you weak, it makes you strong. You have to be accountable. Yes, when your weaknesses know you are in control, they lose control. It does not mean they necessarily go away, no one will ever be perfect; but you are in control, not your weaknesses and emotions.  Believe me, there is nothing wrong or boring with the straight and narrow.  I’m sure the clients of Ashley Madison were wishing for a little straight and narrow living right about now.  Hey, maybe they can use a copy of my book “Down Again”!
My book Down Again

3)      Listen to your gut. It is ALWAYS right. Please, know the difference between your gut and your prejudices. That’s all I will say about that.  Your gut may be saying “no, never, ever, ever, no!” Or it may just be saying “not today, maybe tomorrow.”  Know the difference. Point number six goes into more detail. Keep reading!

4)      Be OK with not being liked by everyone. Try to get along with everyone, but choose your friends wisely. When you choose your friends wisely, you will choose your time wisely. I mean, who has time for gossip, nosiness, drama, and instigation? Yes, I checked, and instigation is a word.  You know the title of my blog site is DramaFreeZoneReligionFinanceLife right? Note the drama free zone portion. If you want to live in peace, be at peace with everyone.  Hebrews 12:14 says “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” 

5)      Be kind. You can be kind without being a doormat.  This is where setting boundaries is important. There should be boundaries in every relationship.  Learn more about setting boundaries by reading the works of Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.  If people become upset when you enforce your boundaries, see point number four. 

6)      Get to know yourself. Like yourself, warts and faults, and all.  People like to say “God is still working on me.” That’s a cop-out. God is still working on all of his children.  If you need to apologize just do so. If you need to fix a situation, just fix it. Stop with the excuses and blame game. Learn you, work on you, and see point number one.

7)      Understand that when people act inappropriately towards you, most of the time they just do not know better.  Sometimes people are taking out their frustrations and their demons on you. Choose your battles, and if something is really bothering you, address it. Did I say it already? Choose your battles.  If you stop to address everything, you will be viewed as cray cray, also known as crazy; even if you do have a valid point. Oh, and see point number five.

8)      Kenny Rogers said, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to run.” He’s right. It’s not about being mean.  You would be just as dysfunctional if you continued to accept bad behavior after the same discussions with that person or people, over and over.    See point number five.

9)      It’s OK to make mistakes. There is no perfect human being on this planet! We will make mistakes, say dumb things, and trust the wrong people.  The key is to learn from our mistakes and to allow those mistakes to happen less, as we become older. See points four through eight.

10) Pray! Whether you believe there is a God or not, there is one. Whether you believe there is a    hell or not, there is one. Whether you believe there is a Heaven or not, there is one.  Oh, and whether you believe there is a devil or not, there is one.  We are coming down to the last days where right is wrong and wrong is right.  Many children are rude and abusive to their parents and elders.  Many parents are not stepping up to their role of readying their children for the real world.  The world has turned upside down and inside out.  We don’t know who to trust anymore because everyone is either wearing a mask or they are showing their true colors.  They are showing their true colors while in a role they probably should not be in.  The only one we can trust is God.  He will direct our every step if we allow him.  But we must allow him. I know he does not answer every prayer the way we would like, but we have to trust that he knows why.  
Hang in there, do the best you can, and re-visit points one through nine! 

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