
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Coming Out

What is the first thing you think about when you hear that phrase, that sentence, ‘coming out’?  Here in America, when someone makes the decision to come out, they are telling their family, friends, and the world; that they have made the decision to live their lifestyle out loud.  They are no longer willing to hide and pretend.  They have decided to live their life in its truest form.

Why profess to be a Christian, a believer, and then hide your beliefs when you are not at church?  Your friends and co-workers do not even know you are a Believer.  You bless your meal at home, but not when you are at a restaurant.  You blend in.  You believe it’s best to go along to get along, especially in the age and time in which we live where every religion except Christianity is accepted. 
I am not saying you need to have your Bible open on your desk at work, not getting your work done, because you want to be ‘in The Word’.  That’s what breaks and lunches are for.  When you are at work, work comes first.  God is not the author of confusion, his word also says if you do not work you do not eat.  ‘For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”--2 Thessalonians 3:10.  NIV—New International Version.  This tells me, we had better find and do our job, our work.    

It is not necessary to walk around your job, or around town shouting down the roof top that you are a Believer.  Your boss might not appreciate that too much, he may just want you to do your work.  But do you laugh at those jokes you know you should not laugh at, just to fit in?  Are you living the life God wants you to live?  Are you daily growing in your relationship with Christ? Are you living one way in church and another way ‘on your own time’? Do your co-workers know for a fact that they should not tell certain jokes around you or invite you to certain places after work, on a Friday night?  And even if they do, just to try to press your buttons, what is your reaction? 

What exactly do you stand for?  Do you know?  We are living in a time where everyone is living exactly the type of life they want to.  No one is hiding anymore, people are coming out.  Are you coming out or staying in? 

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