
Saturday, January 17, 2015


Years ago, when I applied for a job or promotion, asked a friend a favor, or just asked for something in general; if the answer was ‘no’, my feelings would be hurt and I would wonder what I did.  I really thought it was about me.  Well, as we get older, we realize the world does not revolve around us, that it is not always about us.  Indeed, ‘no’ can sometimes be the best response we could receive!
We look back years later and realize that ‘no’ worked in our favor, whether it was that job for which we applied or that wedding that never happened when you just knew he was ‘the one’; we look up to the skies and say ‘thank you Jesus!’  I believe that as Christians, when we’re living our best and doing our best on a daily basis, ‘no’ is good even when the person saying it thinks they are getting us back for whatever reason.  Regardless of the ‘no’, God’s got us.  He will make that ‘no’ work in our favor.  We have to believe that and not fight needlessly for things that we should hand over to God.  Some people call it Karma, some call it fate, some call it life; but I prefer to believe God’s got us.   

These days, when people say ‘no’, if it is a situation where I can ask for feedback I will, such as a job interview or promotion request.  Sometimes the feedback helps us for future interviews or endeavors.  But generally I say ‘thank you’, and keep moving.  I do not allow ‘no’ to stop me in my tracks mentally, physically, or emotionally.  Everyone is dealing with something, everyone is experiencing life.  It’s not about me.  These days, ‘no’ means ask someone else, try something else, have a plan B.  ‘No’ means think outside the box to get your ‘yes’.  ‘No’ means that your request may not even be the correct path, maybe you are headed down the wrong road. 

We cannot allow ‘no’ to stop us because life will continue with or without us.  Yes, there are some ‘no’s’ that are harsh, hurtful, and willful.  But that’s because hurt people hurt people, unless they are mature enough to set their hurts aside, and properly handle the issue at hand.  Most people are not that mature.  Sorry.  That’s life. 

There is a story in the Bible that I think about when I get a ‘no’. 'The king of Sodom said to Abram, Give me the people and keep the goods for yourself.” But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “With raised hand I have sworn an oath to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, ‘I made Abram rich.’ Genesis 14:21-23.  As I mentioned earlier, we can become upset with ‘no’, but sometimes ‘no’ protects us from wrong intentions.  You see, as the story above depicts, sometimes ‘yes’ can come with ulterior motives or strings attached. 
When you get a ‘no’, have the right attitude. Don’t fight, don’t get upset.  God’s got you. He has all the right yes’s.

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