As I mentioned at the beginning of this year, my blog posts are going to another level. Some posts may touch a nerve, but hopefully in a good and healing way for you as well as for myself. After all, bloggers blog to release what is going on internally, good and bad. We writers could not imagine life without a pen/pencil and paper/Word Program. If you are a die hard fan of anything, if you have a hobby that you couldn't imagine life without, then you know how writers feel. It is something we were born to do. The subject matter of our writing depends on our life experiences and how we deal with, or want to deal with, those experiences.
I am currently working on completing my Master of Science Degree in Management with a concentration in Marketing, three classes to go after this! I am at the point where I am ready to be finished already! But I insist upon doing my very best and turning in every piece of homework, every paper, with a high level of excellence. Why am I saying all of this? Because when working at such a level of excellence, time is of the essence and priority is of the utmost importance. This means that those who refuse to understand my current place in life, will have to go their own way. I cannot promise I will be the same person when it is finished. Nothing personal, but we only have one life. We only have 24 hours in each day. We only get about 70 years give or take a few years.
I have a book in me that is partially written down in a notebook and on a Word document; but mostly it is in my mind, my heart, and my soul. I think about this book every day because I know it will help millions of women, and men, around the world. The main point of this book will be to get the word out that even when life does not happen in the way you and I expected, assumed, or just believed it would; it's not over, don't give up and don't give in. Stay tuned for part two!
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