If I had a nickel, no a penny, for every time someone said to me "You have it easy because you're single no dependents", or "You can get up and go whenever you want", or "You're not married, oh I'm sorry" (queue the violins playing in the background), or my personal favorite, "Oh you don't want to be married, having a husband is like having another child", I would be a multi-millionaire. Fortunately I have come to view money as a tool, so those millions of dollars would be used to further The Kingdom of God; but alas, I digress.
The fact is, if you are married, with or without children, then God bless you; but please do not look over the fence and tell me how easy my life is. Just like married people, single people have bills to pay, we have to work long hours, save for emergencies, and save for retirement. In fact, as single people we had better plan properly for our elder years or we may find ourselves in deeper trouble than our married counterparts. Have you thought about that? I am not trying to transmit hater vibes, I just want all of us to view life from different vantage points. Married people have struggles and single people have struggles. On whatever side of the fence we find ourselves, we must strive to be content, to do the best with what we have and where we are in life. "...for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound". Philippians 4:11-12. I don't usually like to pluck portions of verses out, but you get my meaning, and I don't believe I'm taking anything out of context. Of course, why not just take a moment to read the entire chapter of Philippians?
Bottom line, if you are married, strive to strengthen your marriage relationship. For those of us who are single, we must strive to strengthen our relationships, know and be comfortable with who we are, and do not allow ourselves or anyone else to make us feel second class.
Lastly, married or single, we must be careful whom we allow to speak into our lives. Life is short and it definitely does not always turn out as we expect. The best course of action: We should do the best with what we have, and live our best life ever, married or single.
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