With a new year upon us, I got to thinking about time. I heard my dad say once, that 'you start dying the moment you are born'. It sounded depressing, sad, but deep down I knew it was true. When we become old enough to think about it, we start dreaming, making plans, and making bucket lists. We think about the places we would like to visit, the careers we would like to have, the families we would like to start. Some of those dreams happen, some do not, and some are delayed. Life seldom goes as planned, but there is nothing wrong with planning. Whether we plan or not, time happens. Time marches on, it watches us age, and watches us change.
When I was nine years old, I was almost hit by a bus while waiting in a bus depot with my mom. I stepped into the path of the bus and it was moving too fast to have stopped in time. What saved me were the people, bystanders who yelled for me to get out of the way. When I was 14 years old, I almost drowned in the school swimming pool. A teacher pulled me out just in time. When I was in my early 20's, I was driving to work on the interstate when a driver clipped the back fender of my little two-door hatchback. That little clip sent me spinning out of control, three times, even under an underpass. Sometimes I think about those incidents and they don't sadden me, they make me think about how God saved my life in each instance, and how important time is.
I think because of those near death experiences, I view time a little differently than most people. In fact, I believe most people who have had near death experiences view time differently. It's not taken for granted, but instead treated with respect. We try to fit as much as we can into a 24-hour period. Sometimes we over-do this and it drives others crazy. Sometimes we crash from exhaustion.
As we head into this new year, I would like to make a suggestion. Time does not care about that book you want to write, those credits you need to finish your degree, or that trip you would like to take. Time will march on regardless. Time is aware that we will all die. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that we all have an appointment with death. We do not know when our time will be, but in the meantime, we all have the same 24 hours per day to meet those goals and dreams we keep talking about. Most of us have heard the saying that 'talk is cheap'. Well I agree. Stop talking about what you are going to do, and just do it. No one wants to constantly hear about your dreams, we would rather see you working towards and accomplishing them.
The date on our daytimers has changed. It is now 2014, and it will be for the next 12 months. What will you do with your time?